How We Use Your Utility Bill to Generate Thorough Proposals

How We Use Your Utility Bill to Generate Thorough Proposals

How We Use Your Utility Bill to Generate Thorough ProposalsMichael Smoot
Published on: 07/06/2024

Your utility bill is the key for us to provide super specific data points around future usage and savings. With it, we can set proper expectations in regards to your current energy situation and how can we change it in the future.

Solar Proposals
What's Up With Solar Loan Dealer Fees:  Keeping the Homeowner's Best Interest in Mind!

What's Up With Solar Loan Dealer Fees: Keeping the Homeowner's Best Interest in Mind!

What's Up With Solar Loan Dealer Fees:  Keeping the Homeowner's Best Interest in Mind!Michael Smoot
Published on: 06/06/2024

High Dealer Fees on Solar Loans Sometimes Make Solar a BAD Investment for Homeowners, but Other Options are Available, and Gray Duck Solar Wants its Customer to Know All About Them!

Solar Financing